Sunday, September 27, 2009

lesson #1: you can't always get what you want

But if you try sometimes well you might find.
You get what you need

so what do you want? good job. family. lots of friends. good times, all the time. what happens when it doesn't go the way you thought it should. you are 30. wait no, 31. it all goes by so fast.
the things you thought you wanted, and should go for, don't make you happy in the end. so if you try, ultimately, will fate deliver what you need?

happiness #02: dance dance dance

you forget that dancing and going out actually feels great. especially when you are being challenged by the thought of hibernating at home with your boyfriend and puppy cuca. the thought of trecking out to the hipster-filled plateau seems so discouraging, but every now and again... it is a good thing to do. especially if it means you get to dance dance with some of your friends... it feels especially good on a school night.

this tuesday i went out with some friends to check out miike snow and jack penate at le petit campus. it was fun. it was like old times.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

happiness #01: Silkscreening

i have wanted to silkscreen for as long as i can remember.
finally i signed my boyfriend and myself up to a 3 day course given at Drawn and Quarterly. It was really great. It was messy, i got paint all over... it was perfect. We drank tea, we drew, we laughed.
As a graphic designer, designing all day on the computer, there is something to be said about using your hands and physically creating something. I find that more rewarding that any computer project.
Our teacher was Leila and she was really sweet.
Finally, a big shlack on one of my goals for this year: learn how to silkscreen.

211 Bernard West
Mtl 514.279.2224

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

thirty plus one

i was looking at some old photos over the weekend. and realized there were certain photos i was unable to hide away. the ones that reminded me of a carefree time. the ones where you are uber tanned, surrounded by your good friends, and definitely in another exotic place. what happened to these times? why did they have to end? when you find yourself working 50 hours a week, no time to get that Alive! feeling, what do you do?
so i am on a mission to get those feelings back... little by little.

First thing i've always wanted to do: SILKSCREENING CLASS

so let me redirect this blog a little: this is the "the things that make me feel alive blog, and other stuff"


Sunday, September 13, 2009

copy #01: stay gold, pony boy.

quote of the week.
heard it Californication - taken from the Outsiders:
Keith:Bye, see you later. Johnny: Remember to Stay gold, Ponyboy...Stay gold... , kaykay?

Saturday, September 12, 2009

she lives she writes

funny thing. i started writing one day. people started to enjoy it. so i decided to write some more.
my blog.... inspired by Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point. I hope to share things with everyone who would like to know. to be a connector, or a maven.

my first thought: LOLITA
not only an awesome song by Throw Me The Statue
an awesome novel by Vladimir Nabokov as well...
but my post for today revolves around the cover of the novel.
the simplicity, the classic lines and font.